Friends of the Campaign

Mark's Endorsements


I support Mark for Mayor. He is dedicated to reviving downtown and each of Oneonta’s eight wards… Mark has several decades of business experience and knows how to get the job done in Oneonta

Danny Lapin


County Rep


Oneonta is a great place to live, work, and raise a family. Mark knows that. Oneonta needs a strong, intelligent leader working for its citizens. Please join me in voting for Mark for Mayor on Nov. 2nd!

Kim Muller


Former Mayor


I’m voting for Mark Drnek… he has demonstrated that he has the work ethic and the values that we need to keep Oneonta moving forward. Please join me in voting for Mark as Oneonta’s next mayor. 

Gary Herzig



Mark Drnek has a vision to lead Oneonta toward a brighter future. Mark will work with the community to meet the challenges facing Oneonta from housing and infrastructure to economic development. I urge voters to support Mark Drnek for Mayor of Oneonta.

Thomas DiNapoli


NYS Comptroller

During the COVID-19 pandemic, Mark spearheaded an initiative which provided critically-needed funds to dozens of small businesses in Oneonta, enabling many to survive the pandemic and remain open. As Mayor, Mark will bring people together to get things done.

Serve New York


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