Friends of the Campaign
Mark's Endorsements
I support Mark for Mayor. He is dedicated to reviving downtown and each of Oneonta’s eight wards… Mark has several decades of business experience and knows how to get the job done in Oneonta
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Oneonta is a great place to live, work, and raise a family. Mark knows that. Oneonta needs a strong, intelligent leader working for its citizens. Please join me in voting for Mark for Mayor on Nov. 2nd!
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I’m voting for Mark Drnek… he has demonstrated that he has the work ethic and the values that we need to keep Oneonta moving forward. Please join me in voting for Mark as Oneonta’s next mayor.
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In Our Opinion: Mark Drnek is best choice for Oneonta mayor
Oneonta has been fortunate, this year, to have two thoughtful mayoral candidates who have waged what they both term a “gentlemen’s campaign.” Their civility in making their cases for election has been a refreshing change from the tactics we see so often in state and federal elections.
Mark Drnek, a Democrat, and Len Carson, a Republican, are both Oneonta businessmen and freshmen on the city’s Common Council. While the sample size is small, we’ve gotten a glimpse into what kind of leader each has been and would be in the mayor’s office.
We endorse Drnek.
We’re swayed by what Drnek has done during his brief time in office.
Neither candidate could have foreseen COVID-19 changing everything about how the city works, or it happening almost immediately after they took office. But Drnek took on the challenge directly,
His leadership on Mayor Gary Herzig’s “Survive then Thrive” task force helped city businesses weather the COVID storm. Drnek championed the most visible of the task force’s initiatives, the “Meet Me on Main Street” events during summer Saturdays, which were very popular and were praised by the merchants they were designed to help.
COVID is the overriding issue of the day. No other grand plans for economic development or anything else can come to fruition until it is brought to heel.
Drnek has been a leader in promoting COVID safety in the city while working to keep Main Street vital.
Carson’s record on COVID has been less laudable.
We were troubled by his judgment in running a dishonest anti-vaccine message on a billboard his company, DC Marketing, owns along state Route 23.
The ad was paid for by Defend the Republic PAC, an outfit founded by Sidney Powell, a lawyer perhaps best known for her attempts to steal the 2020 presidential election on former President Donald Trump’s behalf. It made false claims about the effects of the vaccine.
When questioned about the wisdom of running the message, Carson’s response was, “There’s nothing illegal about this ad. As long as it’s not illegal, it’s OK by me. The rest is considered censorship.”
Except it’s not. Censorship is when government restricts free expression of ideas. Choosing whether to promote false or misleading information as a private citizen and businessman is a judgment call. As a public official, charged with protecting the safety of Oneonta’s citizens, Carson exercised poor judgment. His excuse for doing so did him no credit.
In an online debate between the two candidates, there was very little disagreement on policy. One area that stood out, however, was the development of Market Street. Both called for public-private partnerships in future development of the area, but Carson showed a willingness to let developers make the decisions about what goes there, while Drnek took the more proactive position of guiding development in that area toward creation of an entertainment district — a natural fit, considering the existence on the Foothills center and Damaschke Field in that area.
Drnek’s proposal shows leadership.
We also like Drnek’s energy, and the fact that he has pledged to avoid any possible conflicts between the mayor’s office and his business interests by divesting himself of the latter if he is elected. We believe his drive to improve the city and his willingness to sacrifice his business to do so set him apart.
We urge our readers to vote for Mark Drnek for mayor of Oneonta.
Mark Drnek has a vision to lead Oneonta toward a brighter future. Mark will work with the community to meet the challenges facing Oneonta from housing and infrastructure to economic development. I urge voters to support Mark Drnek for Mayor of Oneonta.
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